Klik hier vir algemene inligting en tariewe: PDF
Doen eie navorsing by die argief
Navorsing: R20 per uur of minder as uur / R100 per dag (meer as 5 ure).
Let asseblief op dat hierdie tarief in kontant betaal moet word.
Doen navorsing met behulp van argiefpersoneel
Gewone navorsing: R200 per uur
Spesialis navorsing: R250 per uur
Genealogiese navorsing: R250 per uur
Gesertifiseerde sertifikate: R100 per sertifikaat
Fotostate/skanderings: R2 per bladsy
Foto’s geneem deur personeel: R10 per foto
Bankbesonderhede van die Argief sal op fakture vir vir navorsing met behulp van argiefpersoneel verskyn.
Click here for general information and fees: PDF
In-person research
Research: R20 per hour plus an hour / R100 per day (more than 5 hours).
Please note that this fee is payable in cash.
Research with the help of archive staff
Regular research: R200 per hour
Special research: R250 per hour
Genealogical research: R250 per hour
Certified certificate: R100 per certificate
Photocopies/scans: R2 per page
Photographs taken by staff: R10 per photo
Banking details for payment for research with the help of archival stall will appear on invoices.